July Fourth Fun & Fireworks

Happy birthday, America!  This is about as patriotic as I can get at my age.

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CoCo & I spent Fourth of July together. 

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We went to her community’s July 4th Festival where the highlight was riding ponies.  I love pony rides, especially after my first ride at McLean Day a couple of months ago.  This time, though, it was especially nice because there was such a short line that CoCo and I got to ride like 5 or 6 time each.  I wasn’t afraid of the big horses so sometimes, Mommy would let me ride the big ones. 

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CoCo and I also fed the ponies who were resting.  It was cool to gather grass and feed them with our hands.  I must admit, I was more scared than CoCo, but was glad that the horse ate our generous offerings.

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You may be wondering why I’m wearing a rash guard and swimming trunks while riding a horse.  Well, it’s because CoCo and I went to her community pool afterwards.  It was such a kid-friendly pool with very shallow areas for scaredy-cats like me.  I can’t swim like CoCo in the water yet, but Mommy’s determined to make me invinsible by buying a floater similar to CoCo’s so that I can hopefully “swim.”

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After a much-needed nap, we headed over to YiMa’s house for Daddy’s famous BBQ and to watch fireworks from Langley High School.  Everyone was curious to see how I would do while I watched fireworks for the first time and boy, did I surprise everyone!  I wasn’t afraid at all!  Mommy & Daddy heard many kids, some older than I, cry when the fireworks started, but not me.  I just started laughing and really enjoying the display even though the fireworks started at 10 PM –way, way, way past my bedtime. 


Because of this experience, Mommy & Daddy are relieved that I might actually enjoy the Disney Cruise nightly fireworks.  Yes, Disney Cruise.  Mommy & Daddy have fallen into the trap…already.  We go in September with GongGong and PoPo before they leave for Taiwan.  Stay tuned…

Adventures at Aunt Holly’s Place


Thanks to Uncle Wade for taking these cool pictures of me talking on the iPhone with the rest of my “Chinese mafia boys.”

(Caption clockwise from center top photo to last photo in middle center)

“Yo! You there? It’s the Bobes.”

“Um, are you gonna pick up or what? I’m losing my patience with you.”

“So, when am I gonna get my money?” (curling my lip)

“I’ll give you 30 seconds to explain yourself.”

“It sounds like baloney to me.”

“What? What do you mean you don’t have the money? I want the money in a suitcase given to my boys in 30 minutes at the playground or else heads will roll.” (talking with mouth full)


We hung out at Aunt Holly’s place in Philly this past Saturday before dinner at Morimoto. I don’t know what the big fuss was over Morimoto, but chilling at Aunt Holly’s place was the highlight of my weekend.

Immediately upon my arrival, I got confused and asked for the kitty cat stuffed animal I usually play with at YiMa’s house.  Mommy had to gently remind me that I wasn’t at YiMa’s house but at Aunt Holly’s house.   Aunt Holly was so nice and brough out her big collection of stuffed animals for me.  I had lots of fun arranging them on the couch.  I especially loved sitting next to Uncle Dedo and this giant bunny rabbit:

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Aunt Holly & Uncle Dedo were also nice enough to share their Starburst gummies with me.  Once I saw them, there was no hiding them — I was gonna get my share of gummies! 

Once Aunt Ellie showed up, the real party started.  Aunt Ellie brought me eight Japanese fish wind chimes after she caught wind (no pun intended) that I love fish.  Mommy will somehow hang them in my room so that I can enjoy them.  She also treated us to lunch at Paesano’s Restaurant (famous for winning “Throwdown with Bobby Flay”) and they were indeed some pretty amazing sandwiches.

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While Aunt Holly, Mommy & Daddy took me out on a walk along the river next to Aunt Holly’s house, Uncle Wade and Uncle Dedo had their usual Scrabble showdown.  Once I learn my ABC’s, watch out my “uncas,” because I’ll beat you both!