Snow in October at Udvar-Hazy


Coco invited me to join her at the Air & Scare Halloween event at Udvar-Hazy Air & Space Museum.  She came dressed as a bumblebee and I went in my monkey suit (which has definitely gotten its money’s worth this year).

Mommy had no idea there was such an event and was happy to have me join in the festivities.  For $15 per car, there are free 3D simulator rides, free candy and free photo ops with science fiction movie characters.  Being as frugal as Mommy & Aunt Gi are, six of us packed into one car to save an extra few bucks.  Normally, one would shell out $7-8 to ride the 3D simulator, but since it was all free, we waited in line for 1 hour to participate in this highly-anticipated ride.  Unfortunately, it was not worth the wait even if it was free.

Mommy and Daddy are not into Star Wars.  Neither am I.  I had no idea who Darth Vader was, but I knew that he was not a good guy. As soon as it was our turn to take the photo, Mommy nudged me to go forward.  I took one look at him and told Mommy I was afraid.  So, Mommy picked me up and we took a photo with the villian.  Needless to say, I was still scared.  Darth Vader is certainly no Mickey Mouse!

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The crowd was unbelievable!  By the time we left, people were waiting in line for about 1 hour just to get into the parking lot.  Next year, we’ll probably have to bypass Air & Scare for something less crowded.

When we left, there was a beautiful snow storm outside.  Yes, in October and before Halloween!  Having lived in the DC area for over 30 years, Mommy doesn’t recall it ever snowing this early.  Hopefully, this is not a sign of a snowy winter.

My First Mixed Drink!

Everyone knows all I drink is Mommy’s milk with daily supplements of carnitine and Enfamil’s Poly-Vi-Sol with iron, but I had my first “sampling” of something a little edgy.  Well, not exactly. 

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Mommy, Daddy, PoPo, Uncle Jason (Daddy’s cousin from NYC), and I went to Cafe Atlantico in D.C. on Sept 5 to experience my first Restaurant Week.  Mommy and Daddy love this restaurant and I must say, I didn’t ruin it for them or for anyone else in the restaurant.  I was the only baby in the whole restaurant and  I remained on my best behavior throughout the 3 course lunch for $20.09 .  Mommy also ordered a virgin mojito and brought the mint/lime combo to my nose so I could sniff it out for myself.  I definitely like this smell better than the hoisin sauce mommy made me smell at the pho restaurant.  Daddy thought it would be funny to do some camera tricks, so hence my first “sampling” of a mixed drink. 

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My PoPo left to go back home to Paris on Sept 6 and I must say I am rather sad.  PoPo gave me my last bath and fed me my last bottle on the way to the Dulles Airport.  Mommy even had tears in her eyes when we all waved goodbye to PoPo at the airport.  I will visit PoPo in 2 months and by then, hopefully I’ll be able to roll over and maybe even sit up. 

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After PoPo left, we drove to the Udvar-Hazy Air & Space Museum in Chantilly near the airport.  Since Uncle Jason had never been there, we decided to visit again.   I was asleep during the whole visit, but just to prove I was there, Daddy was ready with his camera.  Mommy and Daddy marveled at just how many strollers there were at the museum and just how many toddlers were running around.  In many ways, it’s the ideal place for us, kids, because we can run around, cry, and scream without being noticed too much.