First Trip to Northern Cal!

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Mommy and Daddy were brave enough to take me on another trip.  This time, it’s to Northern California to see my A-ma, but since we were in the neighborhood, we visited some places in San Francisco.  Mommy and Daddy have been to San Fran many times before, but they revisited some key landmarks to give me my “Canon” moments.

The plane ride this time was better and worse than the trip to Paris.  It’s better because I didn’t let out more than just a little whimper on the plane, unlike my 15-minute crying nightmare during landing on the way back from Paris.  It’s worse because I am far more mobile now and require much more monitoring to make sure I am not getting into trouble.  Mommy did take the advice of her colleagues by giving me 2.5 teaspoons (half dose) of liquid Benadryl on the way to San Fran to ease me into sleep.  I didn’t require any on the return flight, but Benadryl does really work!  Mommy saw me getting lid-heavy, then looking a bit dazed, then out like a light bulb. 

We visited Fisherman’s Wharf and the famed Golden Gate Bridge before driving to see A-ma. 

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After vising A-ma, we also went to Napa and Yountville.  Even though I wasn’t on my best behavior at the restaurants, Mommy and Daddy did visit two famous restaurants, Ubuntu and Bottega. (Too bad Ubuntu’s chef, Jeremy Fox, left three months beforehand.)  I could have behaved better, but with the 3-hour time difference and the fact that rice wasn’t on the menu at these restaurants, made things very difficult for me.  (The really famous restaurant in this area is French Laundry, but Mommy was unable to get reservations despite trying multiple times.  It’s fate, really.  I guess they just have to go with me when I am old enough to appreciate really fine dining.)

I’m checking out the scenery at Ubuntu:

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Thank goodness for the girl I befriended at Ubuntu who kept me entertained for part of the time so Mommy and Daddy could *somewhat* enjoy their meal:

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Mommy says I am a big flirt, but I thought I was just being friendly by waving.  Mind you, I don’t wave at everyone…only a select few (usually pretty girls.)