NYC Trip Part 1: Two Birthdays!

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We went to NYC again this past weekend, but this time, we went to celebrate the birthdays of Aunt Ellie (4/16) and Aunt Holly (4/17).  We drove up at 5 AM on 4/16 and then came home at midnight on 4/17.  For only staying less than 48 hours, we got a lot of things done, but it was exhausting.

This time, we stayed with Aunt Ellie because she was having Grimaldi’s pizza party the night of her birthday and Mommy was hoping to partake in the party once I had fallen asleep.  Too bad, I didn’t give her the luxury.  I was too excited over all the people and conversations going out outside of Aunt Ellie’s bedroom. 

Aunt Ellie made two cakes for the birthday celebration:  one for herself and one for Aunt Holly.  You can see for yourself how awesome these two cakes were.  One was devil’s food cake with chocolate ganache and the other was a yellow cake with yuzu buttercream.  I happened to love the devils food cake and Mommy is going to “borrow” Aunt Ellie’s recipe to my birthday cupcakes.

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We gave Aunt Ellie framed Montse Buxo paper.  Aunt Ellie bought the papers from Spain on her recent trip and Mommy got them framed.  See us posing next to the framed photo.

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We gave Aunt Holly a framed collage of our Thomas Jefferson Pi Miler.

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Happy (20-something) birthday to my two favorite aunts!

See BoBo Run @ the Thomas Jefferson Pi Miler

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So, to brag a little, Mommy, Uncle Dedo and Aunt Ellie all graduated from Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology (TJHSST), known as the #1 high school in the country. Since graduating, they haven’t really gone back to the high school, especially all three of them together, but this time they all went back for the “Pi Miler” which is a 3.14 mile (yes, nerdy!) race to raise money for the Class of 2013.

Uncle Dedo found out about the race and managed to get all the sibling involved, including Aunt Holly! I knew something was up this weekend because when I woke up on Saturday, it was a full house at our house…and there was all this excitement…

On that chilly Saturday, Uncle Dedo, Aunt Holly and Mommy ran the “Pi Miler” and were sponsors of the event thanks to Uncle Dedo and Aunt Holly’s generous donation.

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Here are the runners before the race:

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I was there to greet everyone when they crossed the finish line.  Uncle Dedo came in first, followed by Aunt Holly and then Mommy.

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None of us won any awards, but it was really fun for all of us to hang out together. Afterwards, we all pigged out on Gatarade, bagels, pies, bananas and oranges. Even I got to pig out even though I didn’t even run the race.

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I did have lots of fun on the track and field with Aunt Ellie while the others were busy running…

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Bobo Run

Bobo Dance