Puckering at My First Taste of…


That’s right, lemons.  Raw lemons.  Not to be mistaken for lemonade or lemon drops or anything tainted with sugar.

A couple of weeks ago, we went to Neisha Thai with Aunt Jo and Uncle Ken and there were lemon slices swimming in our water glasses.  Mommy had heard *somewhere* that babies like sour things and thought it would be funny to see how I would react to eating a lemon, so she gave me a slice. 

Boy!  Did I come up with some facial expressions even I didn’t know I could make!  See the video clip below:

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For those of you who don’t understand Mandarin, in the video, Daddy didn’t believe that he lemon was sour so he took a bite just to check and of course, it was sour as heck.  (uh…Daddy, what planet are you from?)  I guess he just couldn’t believe I actually enjoyed eating the lemon.