Imitating a Crab

 My new nanny (*) taught me how to walk like a crab a few months ago.  She found out about my love for sea creatures and taught me this new trick.

Here I am imitating a crab.   Take note of my fingers…I know how to make them look like pinchers!

* My old nanny left on 6/30/2011 after taking care of me for two years.  She told Mommy she plans to return to China.  By pure luck, Mommy was able to find me a better new nanny.  My new nanny’s name is Gina.  Not only is she really wonderful and takes incredibly good care of me, she’s also Taiwanese!  Thanks to Gina, my Mandarin has improved significantly.  She is also a great actor, storyteller, and playmate.   Most importantly, GongGong and PoPo approve of Gina which is much more than I can say about my previous nanny!

Potty Training Completed!

As of yesterday, I am fully potty-trained!

I can fully hold my urine and stool at home and when I’m out, including very excrement-sensitive places such as the Buddhist temple and grocery stores.

Unlike some stories of other kids where they were trained in a weekend, for me, it was a process that took about 2-3 months:

– Initial introduction to the concept of the “potty.”  Mommy bought this exact Baby Bjorn potty from Amazon.  I used it for a month or so and then decided that the Baby Bjorn Toilet Trainer was so much cooler because I got to sit on the adult potty.

–  Mommy also read “Once Upon a Potty” byAlona Frankel, a classic in potty training.  I loved reading this book!

Once Upon a Potty -- Boy

– The Baby Bjorn Toilet Trainer is the thing that I ultimately used most often.  Here is the whole set up in the bathroom.

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– At the suggestion of my nanny, Mommy got decals to put in the bathroom so that it would hold my attention while I sat on the toilet waiting for something to happen.

[singlepic id=1257 w=320 h=240 float=none]

Thanks to everyone for their patience in helping me accomplish this!  Next step — sleeping through nap time and at night without a diaper.

Update as of 11/1/2011:  I learned how to stand and pee!  As a boy, I figured I should eventually know how to pee this way.

Update as of 11/9/2011:  I started napping without a diaper and had no accidents!

Update as of 11/14/2011:  I learned to go the bathroom, turn on the light, place the stool next to the toilet, take off my pants, pee, flush the toilet, put on my pants, and wash my hands all by myself.  I also proactively go to the bathroom by myself without telling anyone and initiated the steps!