View My New Do!

Aunt Julia (Daddy’s friend from Carnegie Mellon) is getting married this coming weekend (10/10/2010) and the whole family, including GongGong and PoPo, is flying to San Francisco for the celebration. While we are there, of course we will make a trip to CTTB to visit A-ma.

Because I’ve been very resistent to getting haircuts, Mommy and PoPo decided to take me to Mommy’s hairstylist, Mrs. Wei, to get my haircut. She has been cutting Mommy’s hair for more than 10 years, so Mommy has put her trust in Mrs. Wei for my first professional haircut. Well, let’s just say that it took THREE people (GongGong, PoPo and Mommy) to hold me and entertain me while Mrs. Wei did her magic. But it worked! After 30 minutes and $15 later, the haircut was completed and my hair finally looks well-groomed.

First, see the struggles of the haircut. (This is after the storm. You would have thought I was seriously getting tortured by someone if you witnessed the first 10 minutes of the haircut. Thank goodness Mommy has no proof of this because it was not videotaped. I will deny, deny, deny!)

Daddy says he doesn’t like the haircut because it’s too short, but I think it just takes some getting used to.

My new See Kai Run shoes (Mommy is in love with See Kai Run shoes!) have also arrived! Mommy thought she would get me a pair of versatile black shoes that I could wear with the tuxedo and also wear for everyday. I don’t think I would appreciate patent leather shoes at this age. So here’s a sneak peak at my new do and new outfit for Aunt Julia’s wedding:

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