My Weakness: Lollipops!

It’s obvious that my taste buds have evolved since a year ago.  There are some definite likes and some definite dislikes. 

Definite dislikes:

– bananas

– mushy things

Definite likes:

– peanuts (and all nuts)

– fruit (all kinds)

– broccoli

– edamame

– peas

– ice cream

Among the list of my latest likes are lollipops.  It all started a few months ago when I saw this guy eating a See’s lollipop at the mall and Mommy managed to find me the same lollipop.  Then, at Leah’s birthday party this year, I was introduced to Trader Joe’s Organic lollipops. 

The pops are SO yummy and I really enjoy eating them.  I’ve also figured out how to take a bite of the pop.  (Note: This is a mommy-trait because Mommy can’t seem to just lick the pop until it’s finished.  Sooner rather than later, she’ll start chomping away at the pop too.)

Leah’s 2nd Birthday

Well, today is my buddy, Leah’s 2nd birthday.  She is about 3-4 months older than I am, but she is significantly taller than I am!  Her birthday party theme was based on “Up” and there were balloons everywhere!

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Leah also has a huge fish tank, so in my eyes, this party is the best because of 1.  the balloons, and 2.  the fish!

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Leah had a moon bounce with a slide.  Since it was a short slide, I could walk up the slide.

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Here is video of us playing in the moon bounce: