Happy (Belated) Daddy’s Day to all Daddies in the World.

Mommy and Daddy took a weekend trip (July 19-20, 2010) to Las Vegas for Uncle David’s wedding, but got back just in time for Father’s Day.  It’s an important day because GongGong is here to celebrate with us, so it’s actually three generations of boys with two of us as daddies. 

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We celebrated by going to Founding Farmers for lunch.

Fun Packed Weekend!

It was 80 degrees this past weekend and Mommy & Daddy had lots of activities planned for me. 

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We went to Reston Town Center’s annual Pet Fiesta.  I got to see lots of different kinds of dogs.  I got to debut my hat, which is actually a hat for 18-24 month old babies, but as you know, I have a big head.  Pardon my odd look, I just woke up from my nap.

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Mommy also made sure we made it to Whole Foods to check out their Stonyfield YoBaby yogurt sampling.  I’m a huge fan of their yogurt, so Mommy wanted to see if they were sampling their “food + yogurt”  concoctions.  It’s too bad they weren’t, but…what Mommy got was even better.  We got a stack of coupons for free 4- or 6-pack of yogurt for life…haha…well, not really.  It’ll probably last me one year, or until they expire at the end of the year.  The lady giving out the samples loved me so much she told Mommy to take a whole stack of these valuable coupons and Mommy wasn’t shy about it either.  After all, each 6-pack costs $3.99 and I eat about 2 packs per month, so you do the math.  Thank goodness for small pleasures!

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On Sunday, Mommy’s friends from residency, Aunt Janifer and Aunt Shilpa met up for brunch at Founding Farmers to bid farewell to Aunt Shilpa who will be leaving the east coast to go to Stanford for her Maternal Fetal Medicine fellowship.  Go, Aunt Shilpa!

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Founding Farmers was an awesome restaurant were the food is all from local farmers and the restaurant itself was constructed very “green.”  I had some blueberry pancakes and boy, were they yummy!  It was the first time I ate pancakes. 

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Luckily, it was at a restaurant because I left a huge mess and left Mommy & Daddy very embarrassed.

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After the carbohydrate load, I was pooped and fell asleep.

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