Wanna Watermelon?


Yeah, okay.  So what’s the big deal about a watermelon?

Well, it’s not just any watermelon.  This watermelon  is part of this past week’s share of vegetables and fruits from a local farm.  Mommy and Uncle wade joined this “farm share” as part of a Consumer-Supported Agriculture (CSA) venture.  It was definitely a nice idea (especially because Mommy and Daddy thought it would be a good idea to give me farm-fresh, organic veggies and fruits), but given how much it costs and the amount of food we get, it’s probably more worthwhile to go to our local Whole Foods to get the organic veggies and fruits we want, rather than those that are just given to us. 

So, to make a long story short, this is a watemelon from a CSA and I had been fascinated by it ever since it arrived in its big box.

Mommy finally took it out of the box and let me play with it.

I did ultimately get to eat the watermelon too, but I didn’t like it and spit most of it out.  Sitting on it was definitely more fun!