Bossie & I

Bossie and I have a love-hate relationship. Sometimes I pet her nicely. Sometimes I like to whack her to get her to growl at me. For the most part, I just love to torture her.

Mommy caught this rate moment when Bossie and I are actually co-habitating well. I am even reading a book to Bossie who probably thought it was awfully suspicious that I was being nice to her.



Walking Bossie

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Chore #5.

I’ve tried many, many times to walk Bossie, but have always ran into hurdles. First, the handle of the leash would be too big for me to hold. Then, I couldn’t hold the handle for a long time because it was too heavy for my little hands. Then, I didn’t understand that I had walk in order for Bossie to follow me. Then, I didn’t realize that I had to walk straight rather than in circles.

This Sunday, I finally mastered the art of walking Bossie. See me in action:

I walked all the way down the Sandburg Street hill to Aunt Jo’s house and then walked all the way home. I even started to huff and puff walking uphill. It was quite a work-out.

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Note: Thanks to Aunt D for the cool hat from Uraguay!