Swimming with Aunt Julie’s Boys

Aunt Julie is the mother of three boys, so I feel right at home any time Mommy and Aunt Julie meet.  Aunt Julie’s boys (Benajamin, Andrew and Matthew) always make me feel like one of the pack.

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For the past two weekends, we’ve gone swimming together at Uncle David’s (Aunt Julie’s brother) swimming pool in Reston.  It is such a kid-friendly pool and I seem to enjoy being there, especially in the shallow waters where there is a staircase.

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Finally…Crawling Forward!

I accomplished another milestone this weekend…CRAWLING FORWARD!

Admittedly, Mommy was a bit worried since I’m almost 10 months-old with no signs of crawling forward, but boy, did I surprise her!

Mommy & Daddy think I was motivated by seeing Aunt Julie’s boys walking all around their house yesterday while I could only flip around and scoot on my bottom.  It’s true!  I decided to take a few crawls forward and it really had Mommy & Daddy excited.

Today, Mommy & Daddy made me do it again with the video camera rolling.  Granted, I’m not totally coordinated in my half-crawl, half-walk movements, but at least I’m moving forward.

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Watch out, Mommy & Daddy.  Time to baby proof the house!