Taiwan Trip: Two Weddings!

In the two weeks we were in Taiwan, not only did we attend Uncle Dedo and Aunt Holly’s wedding in Taipei, we also attended Calvin’s cousin’s wedding in ZhongLi.  The wedding were quite different in style so it was interesting to see the dichotomy.


Uncle Dedo & Aunt Holly’s Wedding


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Uncle Dedo & Aunt Holly’s wedding was a mix of American- and Taiwanese-style wedding traditions.  American traditions are:  Western-style wedding ceremony, speeches made by both sides of the wedding party, first dance, tossing of the bouquet, cutting of the wedding cake, and dancing.  Taiwanese traditions are:  “fetching” of the bride, huge banquet feast, toasting at each table, and parents of the groom and bride appearing on stage to thank the guests.  

My big role during the wedding was welcoming Aunt Holly into the Liang Family.  To get ready for my big role, I got a haircut ($80 NT which is about $3 USD) and wore my tuxedo.  

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Even though I am technically not a “Liang,” Aunt Holly requested that I be the honorary boy who will present her with oranges once she arrives at the Liang Family “home” (Grand Hyatt Hotel).   Apparently, oranges are a sign of fertility and the bride needs to rub her hands on them upon arrival.  PoPo and Mommy found two of the prettiest-looking oranges and GongGong tried to secure them onto a red plate withe velcro so that they wouldn’t fall off.  Unfortunately, I became extremely interested in the velcro and started to peel them off the oranges.  Needless to say, the velcro didn’t do much. 

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Unfortunately, I was only awake for the wedding ceremony and then I fell asleep in my stroller.  It’s too bad because I think I could have had a great time with the other kids at the wedding banquet.

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(Photo taken by Uncle Wade)

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(Photo taken by Aunt Ellie)


Aunt XinJe’s Wedding


Calvin’s cousin’s wedding was an entirely traditional Taiwanese wedding with presentation of gifts to the bride and groom’s families, “fetching” of the bride, tea ceremony, thanking of the parents and large banquet.  The bride was sent off with her suitcases and bedding for her new bed and was also not permitted to return to her parent’s home for several nights.  It’s interesting to see a traditional wedding because it’s probably a dying art, but Mommy can’t help but wonder how sad the occasion must be for the bride to have to “leave” her family, especially with all of the traditional formalities that make it even more difficult. 

As you can see, I really liked my YiPo:

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I didn’t have a role at this wedding, but I had to the chance to meet PoPo’s entire side of the family, including A-Tai (PoPo’s father).

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Taiwan Trip: New Year’s Eve

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(Photo taken by Uncle Wade)

We all stayed at the Le Meridien in Taipei which was one of the newest, contemporary and technologically-advanced hotels there. 

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(Photo taken by Uncle Wade)

While the rooms were smaller than usual and it was not particulary child-friendly, there were automated Toto toilets, L’Occitane bath products, and Nespresso espresso maker (which GongGong and PoPo appreciated).  The breakfast which was included was a Jean George buffet which featured very authentic French-style baked pasteries, fresh watermelon juice and raisins dried on the vine. 

Photos of the suite where the New Year’s Eve party was held:

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The best part about staying at the Le Meridien was the view of Taipei 101 on New Year’s Eve.  Granted, I was long asleep by then, but Mommy & Daddy enjoyed the views of Taipei 101 from a suite Uncle Dedo & Aunt Holly reserved for the New Year’s Eve bash.  The views couldn’t have been better and the fireworks were supposedly even more spectacular this year due to Taiwan’s 100-year history. 


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Rare moment of Mommy and her “three” siblings (Uncle Wade is always an honorary sibling):

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While the others were celebrating New Year’s Eve, I was sleeping on the floor of my Le Meridien room.  Yes, I had to sleep on the floor because they ran out of cribs due to the hotel selling out at full capacity on New Year’s Eve.

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(Photo taken by Aunt Ellie)

I wonder how many years it will be before I’ll be able to stay up until midnight to ring in the New Year?