Another Trip to See Dr. Lu

Besides going for my usual routine check-ups, I’ve gone to Dr. Lu one other time when I had the eye infection which was cleared up easily with antibiotic eye drops.  Today, I went again for another non-routine appointment.

I have been having watery diarrhea for two days.  I have been soiling about 8-10 diapers each day, just like my days as a newborn.  Both Mommy and my nanny have no idea why.  No one else has these symptoms.  The breast milk isn’t spoiled.  The food isn’t spoiled.  I don’t have a fever.  Nor have I vomited.  I am otherwise my usual self except for the watery stools. 

Because Mommy was post-call today, she took the opportunity to take me to see Dr. Lu before my status worsened.  Just as Mommy expected, it’s probably something viral.  Other than trying keep up with my normal feeding schedule, I just have to wait for my body to fight it.  Mommy was surprised that I shouldn’t even have any Pedialyte, but Dr. Lu says that it’s not necessary unless there is vomiting. 

Even though it’s not my official 12-month weigh-in yet, my stats today are as follows:

– Weight: 22 pounds (with clothes and diaper) (about 50th percentile)

– Height:  30 inches (about 70th percentile)

– Head Circumference:  20.25 inches (> 95th percentile)

Dr. Lu noted that my head circumference may be a concern, but we’ll see at my 12-month check-up. 

I sure hope I feel better by my birthday.  I need to eat my birthday cake!

My Very Own Mary Poppins.

Mommy and Daddy hired a new nanny to take care of me after the first nanny they hired decided to skip ship and take another job as a massage therapist.  Daddy didn’t particularly like her anyway, so it’s not a big loss.  The new nanny (who did the confinement month cooking for Aunt Julie) was referred to Mommy from Aunt Julie.  It was hard to find me a nanny because the #1 requirement is that she loves children and the #2 requirement is that she must be fluent in Mandarin. 

The nanny started working on September 1st and while it’s a bit early to say whether or not this is going to be a long-term relationship, I must say, she talks a lot more than Mommy, Daddy, and PoPo COMBINED!  Mommy thinks it’s a good thing since I like it when people talk to me and hopefully it will help me develop my verbal skills sooner.  Up until now, YiMa was the only one who talked to me the most and now, I’d say she has some stiff competition.