Chicago Trip Part 1: My Own Full-Fare Seats!

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On July 22, we flew to Chicago to visit my cousins, Isaac and Nathan.  It was my first time seeing them in real life after Skyping them numerous times.  PoPo and GongGong flew a few days earlier, so I flew with Mommy & Daddy.  It was my first PAID flight –meaning that Mommy & Daddy shelled out a full fare for my little butt.  I sat between Mommy & Daddy in their row of three seats.  I even joined United’s Mileage program, so that I can start accruing miles.  In case you’re wondering, yes — I can start accumulating miles at my young age! 

This flight was an absolute breeze compared to the trips to Paris, California x 2 and Taiwan (especially Taiwan)!  Multiple factors played a role in why this trip was so easy!

 – The flight was only 1.5 hours.

–  It was a domestic flight.

–  I had my own seat.

– I am old enough to understand why and why not to do something, so Mommy could reason with me.  For example, Mommy told me not to kick the person sitting in front of me and I understood her and didn’t kick.  Mommy also told me not to mess with the pull-down table top and I didn’t.

Let’s hope next year’s Taiwan trip is just as easy…

My Love Affair with Cleaning

For those of you who follow my blog, you know I’m simply obsessed with cleaning.  I love sweeping, vacuuming, wiping down tables — pretty much anything having to do with cleaning.  In many ways, I remind Mommy of Aunt Gi (Coco’s mommy) — who has the same obsession.

I saw GongGong cleaning the deck and I wanted to follow his lead:

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GongGong even caught me on his iphone camera vacuuming the other day.  Once Daddy downloads the video, I’ll publish it on the blog.