Playing the Piano

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I had the pleasure of going to Aunt Lang’s piano recital yesterday.  Aunt Lang is Mommy’s friend from (gasp!) intermediate school.  (Together, Aunt Lang, Aunt Gi, and Mommy are like the best buddies from childhood. )  Anyway, Aunt Lang was the oldest performer (the average age being 9 years-old).  Nevertheless, big props to Aunt Lang for her courage in going up and performing. 

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Because the recital was at the Jordan Kitt’s piano store, it gave me the opportunity to play on a piano (rather, bang my hands on the piano).  It was such great fun that I ignored my Mommy calling me numerous times!  When it came time for the recital, Mommy & Daddy were just pleased that I was able to sit through at least Aunt Lang’s performance before they had to take me out of the recital room.

When I get bigger, Mommy will probably enroll me in piano classes and she is already considering piano teachers who can teach me.  Mommy has always regretted not being able to continue to take piano classes because of financial difficulties after A-ma immigrated to the U.S.  She’s hoping that she can somewhat “live” through me.

Visiting My BFF

In case you don’t know, CoCo is my BFF.  She is Aunt Gi’s daughter and is almost exactly 1 year older than me, but we seem to get along.

Mommy and Daddy took me over to CoCo’s house this past weekend and CoCo introduced me to Gerber Puffs (sweet potato flavor).  Mommy tried to feed these to me before, but I choked on them.  On a second attempt this weekend, I actually ate them!  In fact, CoCo fed them to me and I had no problems eating them.

See video of CoCo feeding me:

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Just before we went home, CoCo also gave me a fist bump and hugged me.  It’s my first hug from a girl (other than Mommy and my caretakers).

See CoCo and I giving each other a fist bump and hug:

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