New Year’s Thoughts & Resolutions

We spent New Year’s Eve at JioGong’s house for dinner and then went to Aunt Jo & Uncle Ken’s house for midnight festivities.  Aunt Jo & Uncle Ken were kind enough to let me sleep in their guest room and I surprised Mommy & Daddy that I could actually sleep well in another bed other than my own.  Sorry for the spit-up of milk on the sheets, Aunt Jo!

Mommy & Daddy have never been ones to make New Year’s Resolutions, partly because they are both very goal-oriented people and they don’t need a day like New Year’s to come up with a list of goals.  They seem to have goals on a daily basis.  Mommy can’t seem to live without her check box of daily goals and Daddy seems to have a running list in his mind of what he has to accomplish.

On the other hand, I am just getting started with my goals and in fact, since this is my very first New Year’s, it’s probably very fitting that I set some goals for myself (rather, goals Mommy has set for me).

BoBo’s Top Ten New Year’s Resolutions:

10.  Learn how to roll from my back to my tummy.  (Good luck, Mommy!  You know how much I hate to be on my tummy.)

9.  Learn how to crawl.  (Haha!  I may even skip #10 and go straight to crawling.)

8.  Learn how to walk.  (Mommy, be careful what you wish for…)

7.  Get better at taking food from a spoon.  (Why use a spoon when sucking from a bottle is so much easier?)

6.  To not have any allergies (food, animals or any kind).  (Crossing my fingers and toes.)

5.  Continue to be a vegetarian. (Yes, Mommy.  I know how important this is to you.)

4.  Grow a little more hair.  (I can’t help it if I take after Daddy.)

3.  Let my second words be “MaMa.” (Why second and not first?)

2.  Let my first words be “DaDa.”  (Because “DaDa” is easier to say and it’s all about making the goals realistic.)

1.  Keep at my current growth curves, especially for height.  (I wanna be Uncle Wade’s height so we can both stare down at Uncle Dedo.)

That’s all for now.

Happy 2010, everyone!