Paris Trip: The Louvre

Thank you to GongGong who drove Daddy to the Louvre at night so he could get night scapes of the famed museum.

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We never actually saw any exhibits inside the Louvre since I’m still too young to really appreciate any of it.  I guess the Mona Lisa will just have to wait.

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Instead, I went inside the pyramid just to take a quick look.  They have a cool circular elevator right in the pyramid for people in wheelchairs and people like me…in strollers!  Daddy and PoPo followed me around the elevator on the spiral staircase, taking photos.  Lucky Mommy got to ride with me.

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Here are some more cool shots taken by Daddy:

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Paris Trip: Spending Time with PoPo & GongGong

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This entry is dedicated to PoPo and GongGong who really went out of their way to take such wonderful care of me.  I am truly fortunate to have such loving grandparents.  I have realized and come to appreciate that not all kids are so lucky. 

When I arrived in Paris, PoPo and GongGong arranged to borrow a car seat from their friends.  This saved Mommy and Daddy yet another item to have to check-in at the airport, so they are grateful.  Coincidentally, this car seat is also a red Peg Perego, just like the one I have at home:

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At GongGong & PoPo’s home, I had my own room with my own mattress.  I also had my own bathtub, my own body wash and wipes.  PoPo and GongGong also bought many outfits for me and especially bought me things from Petit Bateau which is now Mommy’s favorite French children’s clothing store.  Believe it or not, there are clothes for me that is not “made in China.” 

The last time PoPo and GongGong held me was when I was 2 months old…how time flies!

Mommy & Daddy felt very care free because they had the best babysitters caring for me.  Whenever they could, PoPo and GongGong held me.

Here we are riding sitting in the first class box on the TVG train to Dijon, France. 

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Yes, it’s the place where “Dijon mustard” originated.  Mommy & Daddy never knew there were so many flavors of mustard.

GongGong playing with me at “Pick Up” Cafe in Dijon before I threw a temper tantrum and had to force everyone to make a b-line to the exit.

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GongGong holding me at St. Germaine, France where we went to the outdoor market to shop at Petit Bateau. 

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Here we are eating at a Japanese restaurant in Paris during our last night in Pars.  Why would we do such a thing, you ask?  Because Daddy had a craving for ramen.  As it turned out, the ramen was pretty good.

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So, thank you to  GongGong & PoPo for welcoming me to Paris as my first international travel experience.  Next year…Taiwan here I come!