The End of the Bottle

So, Mommy got a big kick in the butt last night when she read an exerpt from “Caring for Your Baby and Young Child” published by the American Academy of Pediatrics:

Caring for Your Baby and Young Child, 5th Edition: Birth to Age 5 (Shelov, Caring for your Baby and Young Child, Birth to Age 5)

In Chapter 10, the authors writes, “Most pediatricians recommend that the bottle be given up entirely at around age one and almost certainly by eighteen months…For a child who has trouble falling asleep or who wakes up at night, it’s easy to get into the habit of using food or a bottle to comfort him.  But at this age, he no longer needs anything to eat or drink during the night.  If you are still feeding him at that time, you should stop.  Even if he demands a bottle and drinks thirstily, midnight feedings are still a comfort rather than a nutritional necessity.”

So, I am over nineteen months and I still take a bottle before going to bed.  It’s the only time when I used the bottle, but it seems like I can’t give it up.  Mommy has been thinking about when to start weaning me off the bottle since there are concerns about tooth decay.  Dr. Lu recommended that we wait until after the trip to Taiwan.  So, after reading this chapter and being “reminded,” Mommy has decided to cut me off cold turkey.  Yes, for those of you who know my Mommy, there is very little gray area with Mommy.  It’s usually an “all or nothing” deal. 

How did I do? 

Well, I was able to sleep last night continuously from 5:30 PM until 7:30 AM without any milk!  Mommy is trying the same tonight, hoping last night wasn’t a fluke.

UPDATE on 2/9/2011:
I slept from 7:00 PM last night until 7:30 AM today straight without any milk before sleeping. Mommy and Daddy couldn’t be happier!

18-Month Check-Up

I saw Dr. Lu again today and it was no surprise that I have finally figured out what this “doctor’s office” business is all about.  It is a place where I always get shots and it is no fun at all!

From the time I set foot into the waiting room, I knew something was up and I was not happy.  My bad mood continued throughout my visit and finally, my suspicions were confirmed…I got a shot!  At this point, I have reached my limit.  Mommy wanted me to spend some time with her nurses and colleagues, but I wouldn’t have it.  I kept crying until Mommy finally got the jist and headed out of the building.  I wasn’t about to subject myself to another shot.

The good news is that I have grown.  It’s no surprise since I have developed quite a good appetite.

Here are my stats at 18 months:

– Weight: 26 pounds  (50th percentile)

– Height:  32 inches (49th percentile)

– Head Circumference:  (90th percentile)

Until next time…