Clemyjontri & Me

Mommy & Daddy took me to Clemyjontri Park again today to play on the swing.  I definitely enjoyed being on the swing more than last time.  Mommy was tasked me with making me swing higher and Daddy was tasked with what else?  Taking photos, of course!  Daddy did get some pretty nice shots of me in full action.

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If you look carefully, you’ll see that my eyes are actually red and poofy.  Mommy caught a very nasty flu this past week and was off work for 3 days because of it.  Mommy rarely calls in sick and had to do it because she felt so miserable.  I think I’m starting to get some of the symptoms of it starting with this yucky green discharge coming from both of my eyes causing it to be red and poofy.  Mommy’s not panicking yet, but if the symptoms persist for more than 48 hours, Mommy will be calling the Kaiser advice nurse again.

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Update:  Mommy emailed Dr. Lu and found out that I probably have allergies, hence the green discharge from my eyes.  Nothing serious, but I wonder what I am allergic to…

Daddy Day Care

Mommy was on call for 16 hours on this beautiful Easter Sunday.  *Sigh.*

“Where did my wonderful Daddy take me this time?”  you ask.  Well, he took me on a trip to Whole Foods to get my YoBaby Yogurt (something I have everyday for breakfast now).  Then after my morning nap, Daddy took me to Clemyjontri Park. 

For those of you who don’t know Clemyjontri Park, it’s probably the best playground park in Fairfax County.  It seems that it’s a little hidden gem since Mommy & Daddy have lived in Fairfax County for so long and only stumbled upon it when Daddy was surfing the internet looking at aerial views of the McLean area.  Daddy saw photos looking like this, showed Mommy, and immediately the two of them thought, “Where the heck is this place & why do we not know about it?”  After further research, we discovered it’s actually a well-known playground for kids…well-known to mostly the McLean community.

The park’s valuable McLean land was donated by a wealthy woman who named the park after her children (The unusual “Clemyjontri” name is actually a combination of some letters from each of her children’s names.)  It is described as “a two-acre playground with carousel where children who use wheelchairs, walkers or braces, or who have sensory or developmental disabilities can enjoy a complete and unrestricted playground experience.”  All children with or without impairments can play together there.

Mommy actually visited the park for the first time when she was pregnant with me and then again when I was only 2 months old in a Baby Bjorn.  Believe it or not, I am now big enough to be in a swing all by myself.  See me in action:

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Before going to the park, Daddy took me to YiMa’s house because YiMa lives like 2 miles from the park.  For the first time, YiMa let me bang on her very nice Yamaha piano. 

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What a nice day with Daddy!  Pretty soon, I’ll be running around the park.  Stay tuned…