Finally Spoon-Fed.

Ever since we got back from France, Mommy has been spiking the breast milk with cereal GongGong and PoPo got for me in France.

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So, yes, I am eating “solids,” but it’s kind of cheating when you “drink solids” from a bottle.

So, Mommy tried feeding me with a spoonful of cereal dabbed with a small amount of breast milk and it actually worked!  At first, I was exhibiting some tongue thrusts, but then I started to understand the concept of swallowing.  I’ll wrinkle my brow a bit because this cereal does taste a bit funny when it’s served on a spoon.   Mommy diligently feeds me about 1 tablespoon a day using a cool spoon made in Japan by a company called Pigeon given to her by Aunt Ching-Chun.  Thank you, Auntie ChingChun…the soft-coated spoon is perfectly wonderful!

Daddy (who, by the way, NEVER ventures into Whole Foods for anything) went to Whole Foods to buy me some Baby Yum Yum.

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It is a cool rice cracker for people like me…babies! Thanks to Auntie Ching-Chun for this idea too.  I like it, but I tend to break it into smaller pieces and Bossie ends up following me around trying to get a piece of the Yum Yum cracker.

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My First Halloween!

Me and my cow onsie for Halloween!

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It was a fun-packed Halloween weekend made even more exciting because Halloween fell on a Saturday this year.  Mommy remembered that she LOVED Halloween when it fell on a Friday or a Saturday because it meant an endless night of trick-or-treating.

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Auntie Ellie and Uncle Won also came to spend Halloween with me.  Auntie Ellie brought me my first mini pumpkin into which Daddy promptly carved “BoBo.”  Mommy was SO surprised that Daddy actually put out all the Halloween decorations and carved a pumpkin.  Daddy also made pumpkin soup, baked a pumpkin cake and made pumpkin pancakes from fresh pumpkin.  (Note:  Daddy has never baked a cake in the whole time Mommy has known Daddy.)  I must say, I think deep down, I bring out the best in Daddy. 

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We met up with Mommy’s friends from Kaiser and their families:  Auntie Mandy who used to be Mommy’s clinical assistant, Auntie Ching-Chun who is one of Mommy’s patients, and Auntie Yi-Hsuan who is also one of Mommy’s patients.  Here’s a picture of me and Nathan (Auntie Ching-Chun’s son) holding hands in my Pack ‘n Play.  Nathan is about 1.5 months older than I am.

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After a lunch, everyone came over to our house to get into their costumes.  I was the quickest one to get ready because I can’t fight with Mommy yet.  It seems like some of the other kids didn’t want to put on parts of their costumes, but after some “negotiations,” we all got into our full costumes and posed for a group shot:

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From left to right:  Matthew Lee (Yi-Hsuan’s son), Derek Chen (Ching-Chun’s son), Jason Chen (Mandy’s son) holding Nathan Chen (Ching-Chun’s son), and Jessica Chen (Mandy’s daughter) holding me.

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We then ventured to Tysons Corner Mall to trick-or-treat.  Despite all the excitement of getting candy, I was asleep the whole time. Here’s a shot of Jessica (Mandy’s daughter) pushing me along.  Oh, well.  There’s always next year.

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After we got home, Mommy and Daddy took turns handing out candy to our neighborhood kids while trying to put me to sleep.  I knew something was different because I kept hearing the doorbell ring and the dogs bark every few minutes.  It took longer than usual, but eventually, I fell into my nighttime slumber, only to wake up one our earlier due to my first Daylight Savings.  And Mommy and Daddy thought they could get an extra hour of sleep!