Puckering at My First Taste of…


That’s right, lemons.  Raw lemons.  Not to be mistaken for lemonade or lemon drops or anything tainted with sugar.

A couple of weeks ago, we went to Neisha Thai with Aunt Jo and Uncle Ken and there were lemon slices swimming in our water glasses.  Mommy had heard *somewhere* that babies like sour things and thought it would be funny to see how I would react to eating a lemon, so she gave me a slice. 

Boy!  Did I come up with some facial expressions even I didn’t know I could make!  See the video clip below:

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For those of you who don’t understand Mandarin, in the video, Daddy didn’t believe that he lemon was sour so he took a bite just to check and of course, it was sour as heck.  (uh…Daddy, what planet are you from?)  I guess he just couldn’t believe I actually enjoyed eating the lemon.

More Giggles at Bath Time!

Bath time has been one of my greatest enjoyments since birth and nothing’s changed!

This bath tub used to be an overwhelming pool of water for me, but now it’s fitting my size quite well.  I also have lots of cool bath toys, including a set of Munchkin turtles given to me by Auntie Jo and Uncle Ken.


Here’s me, giggling again while getting splashed with water:

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