Check Out My New Trick

Mommy found me in my crib one morning doing this trick:

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Don’t ask me how I managed to get my hands into each of the “donuts,” but I did.  This was not staged by Mommy or Daddy.  Haha!  I’m so proud of my new trick!

I love these “donuts” pillows!

PoPo made me these pillows so that I wouldn’t have a flat head.  She made the smaller one for me when I was born and then made the second one for me when my head got bigger during the second month.  Now, I sleep on top of both of them because my head has even greater depth.  By night, these pillows support my head shape and by morning, they become cool toys to keep me entertained.

Thanks, PoPo!

Paris Trip: The Louvre

Thank you to GongGong who drove Daddy to the Louvre at night so he could get night scapes of the famed museum.

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We never actually saw any exhibits inside the Louvre since I’m still too young to really appreciate any of it.  I guess the Mona Lisa will just have to wait.

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Instead, I went inside the pyramid just to take a quick look.  They have a cool circular elevator right in the pyramid for people in wheelchairs and people like me…in strollers!  Daddy and PoPo followed me around the elevator on the spiral staircase, taking photos.  Lucky Mommy got to ride with me.

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Here are some more cool shots taken by Daddy:

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