Walking 101

(This one is for you, Aunt Holly.)

I have to brag a little and let the readers of my blog know that I’ve reached  one of the biggest milestones in a kid’s life….walking!  It started off as 1-2 steps before my first birthday and then progressed to more and more steps.

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We recently went to Clemyjontri Park with GongGong and PoPo and I showed off my “longest” walk:

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Snip! Snip! My First Haircut.

First, I’d like to apologize to my readers for not updating my blog in a month.  Mommy & Daddy have been extremely busy since my 1st birthday and Happy’s death, so the blog has suffered a bit.  Hopefully, we’re getting back on track and will update more regularly.

Well, technically, one is supposed to wait until their  1st birthday to get a haircut, but PoPo and Mommy both thought that my hair was too long especially with the humid heat we have been getting this summer.  I also sweat a lot fora kid.   So, actually, a few days before my 1st birthday, I got a haircut.

It was a big ordeal!  Two adults cutting my hair (Mommy and PoPo) and two adults keeping me entertained (Daddy and GongGong). 

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While PoPo and Mommy were cutting hair, they cut GonGong’s hair too.  After about 30 minutes for both hair cuts, we were new boys.  See?  The end product isn’t so bad:

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