Frozen Treats: Daddy’s Gift to Me!

Everyone knows my Daddy has a sweet tooth, much to PoPo’s dismay.

But, every kid one day will discover that frozen goodies exist.  So, Daddy took the opportunity to introduce me to my first frozen treats.

First, Daddy made me my own cup of frozen fruit shakes.  It was a combination of orange juice, fresh grapes and fresh pineapples.  Boy!  Did I gobble the whole thing up!

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Then, it was my very own ice cream cone with cherry ice cream.  I never knew there were such yummy things in this world!

My little fingers wrapped so tightly around the cone.

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It’s so good I can’t help but smile…

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…and stick my tongue out.

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Watch out, Daddy!  Your going to be in big trouble when PoPo finds out about this (but I promise I won’t tell).

Walking 101

(This one is for you, Aunt Holly.)

I have to brag a little and let the readers of my blog know that I’ve reached  one of the biggest milestones in a kid’s life….walking!  It started off as 1-2 steps before my first birthday and then progressed to more and more steps.

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We recently went to Clemyjontri Park with GongGong and PoPo and I showed off my “longest” walk:

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