Cookies for Santa on My First Christmas

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Mommy and Daddy celebrate Christmas as a childhood gift-giving tradition rather than as a religious holiday.  There’s just something about Christmas that’s magical and so Mommy and Daddy want to preserve that for me.

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Mommy also LOVES Christmas decorations, so Mommy and Daddy decorated our Christmas tree and fireplace after I went to sleep one night.  Mommy has boxes and boxes of Christmas decorations, but this was about as much as she could do this year.

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Then, Mommy left cookies for Santa at our fireplace because Mommy wanted to make sure Santa didn’t forget about me.  The cookies Mommy left weren’t just any cookies…they were cookies Aunt Ellie bought from the famous Levain Bakery in NYC.  Delish!

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Mommy left the raisin oatmeal one for Santa thinking that it’s probably the most nutritious one of all.  Also, there’s a cup of soy milk to go with the cookie.  (Mommy bought this set of reindeer plate and mug from Crate and Barrel’s after-Christmas sale last year while she was pregnant with me, anticipating that I would need a visit from Santa this year.)

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On Christmas, Aunt Ellie and Uncle Wade came over and we opened presents.  I didn’t expect to get almost all the gifts, but I did!

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Uncle Dedo and Aunt Holly came over prior to Christmas and gave me a set of Manhattan Toy farm animals.  Thanks, everyone for making my first Christmas wonderful!

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One thing is for sure, Mommy and Daddy definitely think Christmas is more fun with me around!

Uncle Dedo & Auntie Holly’s Visit

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To my surprise, Uncle Dedo and Auntie Holly paid me a little visit this weekend. 

We weren’t quite sure if they would actually come because Uncle Dedo says he’s always “banking” and works crazy hours, but they made it in the wee hours of early Saturday morning.  Maybe one day Uncle Dedo will clarify what exactly he does when he’s so-called “banking.”

Believe it or not, this is the first time Uncle Dedo has ever held me in his arms.  Yes, the first time in the nearly 4 months I’ve been in this world.  Mommy and Daddy were in such disbelief that they had to take a photo to remind them that it actually happened.  See?  I’m actually smiling at Uncle Dedo.  Not bad for a first-timer, Uncle Dedo!

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Here’s a photo of Auntie Holly holding me.  She’s always been much more experienced at holding me than Uncle Dedo and she’s been holding me since birth.  You’re a natural, Auntie Holly! 

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Uncle Dedo & Auntie Holly also got me a park ranger outfit complete with a little stuffed animal moose from their trip to Alaska.  I’ll debut it when I’m 12 months old because it’s still a little too big for me.  Mommy says it’s going to be my Halloween costume NEXT year…that is, if I can still fit into it at 16 months.