Sakura Time!


Auntie Ellie visited me this weekend and what perfect timing — we got to see the Annual Cherry Blossom Festival!

By far, Mommy & Daddy’s favorite D.C. activity during the springtime is seeing the Cherry Blossoms at the Tidal Basin.  Rather than taking the subway, Mommy & Daddy always push their luck and drive into the Mall.  Surprisingly, there always seems to be parking.  The tradition started many years ago when Mommy & Daddy only had Happy as a “child” and took him to see the blossoms. 

Happy & Mommy (April 2006)

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Then, Mommy & Daddy adopted Bossie and started taking Bossie to see the blossoms.  By then, Happy could no longer walk for long distances, so going to D.C. was no longer an options for him.  Last year, Mommy & Daddy went for the last time as a childless couple when Mommy was pregnant with me.

Bossie with Mommy & Daddy (April 2009)

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What a difference a year makes!  Of course, now I am a part of Mommy & Daddy’s life and I got to see the lovely blossoms for the first time.  They are so cool to feel that I accidentally pricked off a flower.  Oops!  My apologies the National Park Service.


Of note, thanks to Aunt Deirdre for giving me this warm fuzzy hat from her trip to Ireland!

Auntie Ellie’s Visit

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Auntie Ellie paid a little visit to see me this weekend.  Coincidentally, she was here for a job interview, but it was the perfect opportunity to see how much I’ve grown in  3 months.  Mommy was proud that I didn’t have any stranger anxiety with Auntie Ellie.

The thing Auntie Ellie did this weekend that Mommy has not yet been able to do is to take a photo of my elusive teeth.  Stay tuned for Auntie Ellie’s photo of my 2 teeth!

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Check out me and my “faux hawk.”  (Term coined by Auntie Ellie).

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I also posed for some GQ photos this weekend because Daddy thought I looked good in my puffer fish outfit.

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