Placenta Bear

Daddy took lots and lots of photos during my delivery, but the one thing Daddy forgot to take a photo of was my (or Mommy’s) placenta.  Mommy always wondered what it looked like and if it appeared “healthy.” 

One of Mommy’s friends gave Mommy this link to a cool idea…a placenta bear, otherwise known as a “sustainable toy.”  Well, to Mommy it’s cool, but to the rest of the world, it’s probably pretty gross. 

placenta bear

To see the full article:

Had Mommy known about this prior to my delivery, she would have save the placenta, cured and sewn the bear herself!

My World Record Sleeping Time!

Mommy and Daddy could hardly hide their giddiness when I slept for 12 hours this past Saturday.  Yes, little  ol’ me slept for 12 straight hours without waking up for a feeding, a diaper change, or anything at all!  Mommy and Daddy thought it was a little premature to do a full cheerleading routine, especially if it’s just a fluke, but last night, I also slept for 12 straight hours. 

Now the show is on to see how long I can keep this up!

Mommy read that an infant’s sleeping habits correlate with his sleeping habits as a child.  For her sanity, she hopes that this is true for me.