I Got Bullied.

I spent Saturday with Mommy, Daddy, Auntie Ellie and Uncle Wade shopping for Uncle Wade’s curtains for his new townhouse.  We then went to eat pho together.  I realized that being in a pho restaurant made my beloved Peg Perego carseat stink.  It’s a small sacrifice for something so yummy.  I’m thinking I’d better grow teeth soon so I can try some.


All this time together was nice, but Auntie Ellie and Uncle Wade totally made fun of me and I can’t even defend myself!  Auntie Ellie said I had a “muffin top” above the waistband of my pants.  Uncle Wade said that I had “cankles” and a “muffin top” on my feet.  I don’t know which of them said it, but one of them said that I had an extra fold in my forearm where there shouldn’t be an extra fold.  All of this boils down to one thing — I’m chubby.

Mommy didn’t seem concerned about these not-so-subtle hints that I’m fat.  In fact, she seemed rather proud that others were noticing my chubs  —  it meant that her breastmilk is indeed, good stuff!  She figured that all I eat is breastmilk and since babies stop eating when they are no longer hungry, it’s all normal.  It’s healthy fat (if there is such a thing.)