Getting Shots on My Birthday?! What the Heck!

Mommy took my 12-month check-up literally and signed me up for my check-up with Dr. Lu exactly on my birthday.  It’s kind of a cruel joke on me because I had no idea what was in store for me.  GongGong and PoPo also accompanied me to witness all the “fun.”

Here are my stats this time:

Weight:  21 lbs 13 ounces (35th percentile).  This time, butt naked without diaper or clothes.

Height:  30 inches (59th percentile).

Head Circumference:  same as all the other times ( > 95th percentile).

Before the torture started, GongGong gave me a piggy back ride and here I was, thinking that this would be the beginning of even more fun:

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Little did I know…not only did I get three shots (Pneumococcal, Hepatitis A, MMR/Varicella combo), I also had my blood drawn for the dreaded carnitine level again.  Hopefully, the levels will continue to be normal.

I was not as brave this time and cried bloody murder with each and every one of the needle sticks.  Who could blame me?  Shots are no fun.  You try getting one in each thigh and another in your right upper arm. 

Luckily, I don’t think I am due to for more shots until 6 months from now.  Whew!

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