Swimmin’ Ain’t Bathin’

Check out my swimming outfit!

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For the very first time, I entered into a swimming pool yesterday for my first swimming lesson.  The class is called “Baby & Me Swim” for babies 6 months to 18 months at Spring Hill Recreation Center in McLean.  There are six classes and each class lasts 30 minutes.  There were about 14 of us signed up for the class and 4 people on the waitlist.  Mommy was adamant about me taking this class, so I was the first person to register for this class.  Mommy was also the lucky one who got to put on her bathing suit and take me into the pool while Daddy videotaped.

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Mommy thought I would love being in a pool because I love taking baths, but as things turned out, I cried and cried in the pool.  Who could blame me?  Even though it’s an indoor pool, the water was cold, not like my warm bath water.  I couldn’t sit my bottom on the bottom of the pool like I could in my tub at home.  For the first time, I floated and I didn’t like that feeling.  I also didn’t particularly like the smell of chlorine.

Check out a clip from my class:

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In case you thought I was the loudest one crying in the video, I was not.  There was an older Indian baby who cried louder than I did!  Just wanna set the record straight.

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