Copying YiMa

Every Wednesday, we go to YiMa and YiGong’s house for dinner.  As always, the dinners are deliciously scrumptious because YiMa is an amazing chef.  She was never trained to be a chef, but cooks as if she had gone through years of cooking school.  Today, the food was no exception.  In fact, for the first time, I sampled some of YiMa’s cooking.  I had miso tofu and braised daikon radish.  It was yummy and I brought smiles to YiMa and YiGong’s faces when I opened my mouth really, really widely to eat chunks of tofu and radish. 

After dinner, YiMa and I started making “poooo” sounds with our lips.  YiMa says that in her choral training, they actually practice to relax their lips by doing these exercises.  I can do them quite well and I even started to mimick YiMa.  See me in action:

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