My First Eye Infection

As you probably recall, I have been having greenish eye discharge (right eye more than left eye) and redness on my eyelids since 4/9/2010.  Mommy emailed Dr. Lu’s office and the nurse came back and thought it was an allergic reaction.  Mommy’s gut instinct just didn’t think it sounded right, so Mommy booked an appointment for me to see Dr. Lu in person today (on her postcall day).

So, as it turns out, I have an eye infection.  It probably started off as a viral infection, but it is now a superimposed bacterial infection.  (Thank goodness it’s not an allergy because Mommy was wondering what the heck I could possibly be allergic to.  Although not impossible, it’s highly unlikely I would have allergies if Mommy and Daddy both don’t have allergies.)  Dr. Lu has given me Polymyxin B Sulfate and Trimethoprim eye drops to use three times per day for seven days.  At least now, there is solution (not intended as a pun)! 

I have been especially cooperative and Mommy had no trouble putting the drops in my eyes.  As Daddy says, it’s because I didn’t know what was coming.  Haha!  We’ll see if I allow Mommy to continue putting these drops in my eyes for the next seven days!

Mommy’s motto:  Illness are acceptable so long as there are cures.

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