Sakura, Part Two

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Uncle Dedo & Aunt Holly came down to D.C. this weekend to visit and for the second time in one year, we went to the cherry blossoms in D.C.  This is unprecedented.  Mommy & Daddy just about pulled their hair out trying to find parking, but we managed to find one.  Uncle Dedo & Aunt Holly were forced to buy snacks to get us some quarters to feed the parking meter.

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The cherries peaked two days before we went (for the second time) and the weather was a gorgeous 75-degrees.  Needless to say, it was pure mayhem at the Tidal Basin this time.  Anytime there was a picturesque views, there was a line of people trying to take photos there.   We managed to get a few good ones with some team effort.  My stroller had to maneuver through tons of people picnicking on the grass. 

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I must say, I was happy to be surrounded by so many people who love me and care about me.  Even random strangers were nice enough to compliment me.  One passerby said to me, “Boy, that’s a fat baby,”  which I gladly took as a compliment too! 

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Thanks for visiting us, Aunt Holly & Uncle Dedo!

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