My First Tooth!

Yes!  I have finally joined the ranks of most human being in the world and grew my first tooth.  It’s Mommy’s understanding that most babies develop the two lower teeth at the same time, but I only have one.  So far, it’s only about 2 mm in height.  Nevertheless, it is a little white morsel sprouting from my pink gums.  No signs of its adjacent neighbor or upper neighbors yet, but rest assured, I will keep you posted!

Thanks to Auntie Phuong, Mommy has bottles of Nursery Water (with added fluoride) to give me the tiny amount of fluoride that I need to keep this one little tooth healthy.

3 thoughts on “My First Tooth!”

  1. oops! This comment and the last are from Aunt Lang. I’m using Aunt Gi’s login. Caught!!

  2. Congratulations on your first tooth! I think having one tooth first is much better than having two. Don’t you agree that saying “my first tooth!” is much better than “my first teeth!” ? 🙂

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