Super Bo on Superbowl Day

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This is me on the day of my first Superbowl on 2/7/2010.  For the occasion, Mommy dressed me in the football onsie YiMa bought for me.  (For those who don’t know, YiMa is a big football fan).  It didn’t really matter for me whether the Saints or the Colts win, but it was cool to just be excited about the Superbowl.  Mommy & Daddy traditionally have annual Superbowl parties, but their plans were foiled this year due to the snowstorm.  No pizza delivery this year.

The other cool thing about this video is not only my football onsie, but that I can actually do a quasi-pincer grasp and feed myself the Gerber puffs.  You can see me in action!

One thought on “Super Bo on Superbowl Day”

  1. Hello BoBo,
    It looks like you’re having more fun playing with the puffs than actually eating them. Are you ready to celebrate your first Lunar New Year this weekend? Have you learned how to put your hands together and say “gong xi fa cai” so you can ask YiMa for a “hong bao”? =)

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