Snowed In Yet Again with 18 Inches on the Ground…

…and it’s STILL snowing!

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(View of the evergreens on our side lawn.)

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(The dogs checking out the snow.)

It’s days like this when Mommy & Daddy feel like it is very hard to be a nanny.

It’s dang hard taking care of me during the day, especially when it is difficult to get me to take naps and there isn’t a darn thing Mommy & Daddy can do to make me.  The separation anxiety thing is also kicking in at full speed because I need to be able to see them at all times.  If I can’t focus on them with my little eyes, then I gently remind them with a whimper.  If they still don’t come into view, then I start my crying.

Mommy & Daddy used to enjoy being snowed in because they can spend hours with each other doing absolutely nothing, but now, with me in their lives, snow days are torture.  And…the weatherman keeps telling us that we’ll be snow bound for another 2 days…

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(Mommy taking me out to “taste” the snow.)

*** Of note, we got a total of 54.9 inches of snow this winter so far…which is record-breaking for the D.C. area.  The previous record was over a century ago!

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(Mommy put me on the tallest pile of snow next to our driveway.)


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