My 6-Month Check-Up

I saw Dr. Gita Reddy again today for my 6-month check-up.  As always, she is always very nice to me and somehow she and Mommy always start talking “medical talk” which I don’t understand.

Good news is that I’ve grown…(I know what you’re thinking Aunt Gi, surpise…surprise…).  Mommy and Daddy thought I’d be over 20 pounds, but I’m just a little shy from that estimate.

My weight is 19 pounds, 7 ounces (82% tile).

My height is 27 inches (73% tile).

My head circumference is 18 inches (92% tile).

The head circumference is little on the high side.  I know I have a big head, but I heard Mommy and Dr. Reddy talking about how we need to watch my head size to make sure I don’t have hydrocephalus.  I thought having a big head was a good thing…but I guess not TOO big. 

I had three shots today too and now that my pain receptors are in full working order, the shots hurt like the dickens!  I cried and cried, but as soon as Daddy picked me up and hugged me, I was okay.  I think I’m pretty brave for getting three shots in my thigh.


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