CoCo & BoBo Meet Again & Other Adventures

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It was another fun-packed weekend!  We went to Aunt Lang’s house and met Aunt Gi and CoCo (Aunt Gi’s daughter, also known as Chance).  I don’t quite know who CoCo is, but just as Aunt Gi said, I’ll be playing with CoCo at this time next year.

My friend, CoCo, already knows how to do so many cool things like using her pincer grip to grab things, running around Aunt Lang’s house like a speeding bullet, organizing Aunt Lang’s fruit basket, and using her sippy cup.  

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Some day, I hope to be just as accomplished.  See you soon, CoCo!

Mommy and Daddy also took my nanny to the Fairfax County Government Center to get the H1N1 vaccine.  Because I’m too young to be vaccinated (less than 6 months), my caretakers should all be vaccinated.  Mommy and Daddy both got theirs through Kaiser within the past month.  Since strollers weren’t allowed inside the Government Center, Daddy waited with me outside and took some shots of me.

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We had brunch at a place called Community Canteen at Reston Town Center.  The french toast looked more interesting than it tasted.

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The Christmas decorations were already up and I saw my first Christmas tree!

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Mommy has consulted with Aunt Gi and will let me know who Santa Claus really is from day one.  No fantasies.  No make-believe.  Just practical, honest-to-goodness truth.  Mommy and Daddy work hard to give me all the goodies in life and they will make sure I know who to thank.

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