Auntie Shilpa Delivered!

Mommy told me that Auntie Shilpa and Uncle Iyan welcomed their little boy, Dhiren, into the world today!  Yeah!  Mommy always get excited when it’s another boy born in the year of the cow!  My 2 year-old friend, Kamran, now has a little brother.

Mommy went back to Washington Hospital Center (WHC) with Auntie Marsha to see the little guy.  He’s cute and already has a lot more hair than I have.

This was the second time Mommy has gone back to WHC since finishing residency there.  The first time was for the delivery of Kamran and the second time was today for the delivery of Dhiren.  Mommy always has mixed feeling about WHC and her residency days, but it was nice to see one of her favorite attendings and some of her favorite nurses there.

When’s the next time Mommy will go back to WHC?

Hard to say.  Maybe when Auntie Marsha has a baby or if Auntie Shilpa decides to have #3.  🙂

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