Impromptu Meeting With Santa

During one of our wanderings through Tysons II, I met Santa Claus for the first time. I didn’t meet him in the conventional way by standing in line to take a photo with him.

Here’s how it went down:
– I saw Santa from far away and walked towards him, dragging Mommy and Daddy in the process.
– I wanted to jump into the photo area to meet Santa, but Mommy told me I couldn’t because it’s for people taking photos. Mind you, Santa didn’t have any customers at this time.
– Santa saw me, reached into his toy bag and actually got up from his seat and walked over to me.

– Santa handed me a reindeer stuffed toy. I couldn’t be happier!
– Mommy then asked Santa if I could sit on his lap to see if I would be scared as most kids are. Santa said, “Yes.”
– I sat on his lap and didn’t even flinch. Mommy had an inkling I would be okay with it considering how much I loved the Disney characters.
– My dear Daddy took photos from afar so as to not take advantage of Santa’s graciousness.




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