My First Face Painting!


So a few weeks ago, Mommy’s employer, Kaiser Permanente, had a picnic at Burke Lake Park for physicians and their families.  It was the first time the event was held and it was so much fun, especially the face painting.

The face painting lady had a book of all the paintings that were available.  Mommy kept trying to convince me to get a tiger painted, but I wasn’t interested.  I wanted the shark and there was no changing my mind.  When I sat down, the lady actually told Mommy that she would not be able to draw the shark because I wouldn’t be able to sit still long enough for her to do it.  Mommy asked her to try and sure enough, I sat through the whole 5 minutes.  It didn’t take much, but Mommy gave me a mini pep talk to get me through it.

Click to see a video of my shark getting painted:

As if the shark painting wasn’t enough, Daddy waited in line for like 40 minutes to get me a balloon sculpture.  He requested a shark, but the balloon guy said it would take 20 minutes to create it, so I had to settle for a turtle.  Pretty cute, but it popped as soon as I accidentally put it on some grass.

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