July Fourth Fun & Fireworks

Happy birthday, America!  This is about as patriotic as I can get at my age.

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CoCo & I spent Fourth of July together. 

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We went to her community’s July 4th Festival where the highlight was riding ponies.  I love pony rides, especially after my first ride at McLean Day a couple of months ago.  This time, though, it was especially nice because there was such a short line that CoCo and I got to ride like 5 or 6 time each.  I wasn’t afraid of the big horses so sometimes, Mommy would let me ride the big ones. 

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CoCo and I also fed the ponies who were resting.  It was cool to gather grass and feed them with our hands.  I must admit, I was more scared than CoCo, but was glad that the horse ate our generous offerings.

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You may be wondering why I’m wearing a rash guard and swimming trunks while riding a horse.  Well, it’s because CoCo and I went to her community pool afterwards.  It was such a kid-friendly pool with very shallow areas for scaredy-cats like me.  I can’t swim like CoCo in the water yet, but Mommy’s determined to make me invinsible by buying a floater similar to CoCo’s so that I can hopefully “swim.”

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After a much-needed nap, we headed over to YiMa’s house for Daddy’s famous BBQ and to watch fireworks from Langley High School.  Everyone was curious to see how I would do while I watched fireworks for the first time and boy, did I surprise everyone!  I wasn’t afraid at all!  Mommy & Daddy heard many kids, some older than I, cry when the fireworks started, but not me.  I just started laughing and really enjoying the display even though the fireworks started at 10 PM –way, way, way past my bedtime. 


Because of this experience, Mommy & Daddy are relieved that I might actually enjoy the Disney Cruise nightly fireworks.  Yes, Disney Cruise.  Mommy & Daddy have fallen into the trap…already.  We go in September with GongGong and PoPo before they leave for Taiwan.  Stay tuned…

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