Birthday Part 6: The Making of the “Fish in a Bag” Soap

Mommy saw the idea of “Fish in a Bag” on Martha Stewart and decided that it would be a neat thing to add to the goodie bags at my party.  The idea is to use melted clear glycerin soap and add a life-like goldfish in the soap so it looks like it’s swimming in “water.”

The package of glycerin.

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Cutting the blocks of clear glycerin to facilitate the melting process.

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Using an ice bath to set the glycerin so that the plastic goldfish can be properly positioned in the bag.  In the process of researching how to make these, Mommy found out that spraying rubbing alcohol on the surface of the glycerin will get rid of the bubbles.

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Setting up a clothes-pin line to properly shape the bags.

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Final step is using ribbon to tie the bag and attaching a label!

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