Poor Little Piggy…

Mommy and Daddy get these spongy toys whenever they go to conferences.  They usually are cute animals and while they tried desperately to keep this cute pig from me, I spotted it in the garage one day and had to have it.  Well, yes, quite literally. 

See what I did to the cute pig:

[singlepic id=1026 w=320 h=240 float=none]

And not just the front side, but also the bottom side:

[singlepic id=1010 w=320 h=240 float=none]

So, Mommy & Daddy say I cannot play with any more spongy toys until I stop biting off their face and limbs.  I wonder how long that’ll be.  In the meantime, Mommy has to find a better hiding spot for the rest of her spongy toy collection.

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