My Blossoming Vocabulary

So all of the pediatric books state that sometime betwen 18-23 months, there is an “explosion” of vocabulary.  (The next “explosion” is set to happen sometime around age 3).  During this time, toddlers should know (be able to say and/or identify) 50 words.  Mommy had her doubts, but Daddy was convinced that I know more than 50 words.

Who won the bet?

Well, Daddy did.

Mommy & Daddy actually went through and listed all of the words I know.  I know these in Mandarin, but not necessarily in English, but for the sake of simply, I’ll list the words in English:

  1. Grandma
  2. Grandpa
  3. Mama
  4. Daddy
  5. Aunt
  6. Uncle
  7. Brother
  8. Sister
  9. Eyes
  10. Mouth
  11. Ears
  12. Nose
  13. Teeth
  14. Tongue
  15. Hair
  16. Head
  17. Hands
  18. Feet
  19. Toes
  20. Butt
  21. Penis
  22. Stomach
  23. Belly button
  24. Knees
  25. Shoulders
  26. Go outside
  27. Sit
  28. Listen
  29. Play
  30. Walk
  31. Wipe
  32. Run
  33. Take
  34. Touch
  35. Hurt
  36. Well-behaved
  37. Kiss
  38. Hug/hold
  39. Sleep
  40. Spicy
  41. Hot
  42. Lie  down
  43. Brush
  44. Comb
  45. Bath
  46. Smile
  47. Home
  48. Dirt
  49. Flower
  50. Shoes
  51. Pants
  52. Shirt
  53. Jacket
  54. Hat
  55. Glasses
  56. Light
  57. Bright
  58. Balloon
  59. Ball
  60. Rabbit
  61. Fish
  62. Shark
  63. Seahorse
  64. Whale
  65. Octopus
  66. Rhino
  67. Hippo
  68. Horse
  69. Bear
  70. Lion
  71. Dog
  72. Cat
  73. Mouse
  74. Chicken
  75. Elephant
  76. Penguin
  77. Duck
  78. Goose
  79. Frog
  80. Turtle
  81. Monkey
  82. Bee
  83. Bug
  84. Ant
  85. Pig
  86. Bird
  87. Fur
  88. Cone
  89. Shell
  90. Airplane
  91. Boat
  92. Moon
  93. Car
  94. Gently
  95. Hungry
  96. Dirty
  97. Milk
  98. Water
  99. Juice
  100. Egg
  101. Bread
  102. Strawberry
  103. Fruit
  104. Squash
  105. Broccoli
  106. Watermelon
  107. Vegetables
  108. Nuts
  109. Candy
  110. Ice cream
  111. Lollipop
  112. Blocks
  113. Book
  114. Diaper
  115. Lotion
  116. Blanket
  117. Peepee
  118. Poopoo

I may be forgetting to list a few words, but you get the idea…I know far more than 50 words!

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