Riding a Tricycle

I thank Aunt Lang for getting me a Radio Flyer tricyle for my first birthday last year.  Although all I could really do then was just push the buttons to honk or signal I was turning, it is quickly becoming one of my favorite toys.

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Mommy & Daddy took me out on our raceway (i.e. driveway) and had me practice.  I really didn’t understand the concept of “riding” a bike and it’s really more like Mommy & Daddy “pushing” my bike.  Daddy insisted that I keep my feet on the pedals which I really didn’t understand.  “Why keep my feet there and have it get all tangled in the pedals when I am moving (pushed by Mommy or Daddy) anyway?”  Ah…yes!  So much to learn…

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Finally, I just decided that it may just be more fun to push the bike too…

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