Puppet Theater

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A few of Mommy’s patients actually work in local theaters and informed Mommy about the wonderful programs they have for toddlers and kids. So, Mommy decided to try things about and bought tickets to my very first theater experience at the Puppet Theater in Glen Echo Park. For $6 ($5 for the ticket and $1 for processing fee), I saw a 30-minute “Old MacDonald’s Farm” puppet show. Believe it or not, the show was completely sold out! There were families on the waiting list. To Mommy & Daddy’s surprise, I actually watched the entire show without getting antsy. If I get lucky, maybe Mommy & Daddy will let me watch more shows.

After the show, Mommy & I sat on the bench outside and did some toddler-watching.

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It truly is a new generation of kids. While Mommy was growing up, there was zero opportunity to go to the theater. Mommy’s first theater experience was a dinner theater playing “South Pacific” in seventh grade. It wasn’t a priority in Mommy’s childhood and truthfully, Mommy’s parents could use that money to feed Mommy and her siblings.

I feel lucky.

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