Visiting Baltimore Aquarium

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So, a few weeks ago, Mommy & Daddy took me to the Baltimore Aquarium.   Daddy decided to become a “member” so that we could have unlimited visits to the Aquarium for an entire year.  It’s just like my Daddy to try to get a deal.  We would have to visit the museum (three of us) three times in one year to break even on our “membership.”

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There was a new jellyfish exhibit which was extremely cool.  I take after Mommy in my fascination with jellies.

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As part of our “membership,”  we got tickets to see the dolphin show.  The decision to go to the dolphin show was really difficult to Mommy since she swore she would not support organizations like Sea World after seeing “The Cove.”  For those of you who have not seen the movie, it is an eye-opener to the world of the dolphin trade.  I really didn’t know that dolphins are different from other fish, let alone know anything about the dolphin trade.  All I kept saying was “fish!”  “fish!”  fish!”  in Mandarin. 

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This may very well be the first and last dolphin show I see in my childhood.  If Mommy could have her way, hopefully, next time I see a dolphin, it will be free in the wild, where they should be.

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