18-Month Check-Up

I saw Dr. Lu again today and it was no surprise that I have finally figured out what this “doctor’s office” business is all about.  It is a place where I always get shots and it is no fun at all!

From the time I set foot into the waiting room, I knew something was up and I was not happy.  My bad mood continued throughout my visit and finally, my suspicions were confirmed…I got a shot!  At this point, I have reached my limit.  Mommy wanted me to spend some time with her nurses and colleagues, but I wouldn’t have it.  I kept crying until Mommy finally got the jist and headed out of the building.  I wasn’t about to subject myself to another shot.

The good news is that I have grown.  It’s no surprise since I have developed quite a good appetite.

Here are my stats at 18 months:

– Weight: 26 pounds  (50th percentile)

– Height:  32 inches (49th percentile)

– Head Circumference:  (90th percentile)

Until next time…

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